Our Featured Selection

Royal Organic Reishi Sampler (New)
This offers an opportunity to sample a variety of flavors and identify your favorite combinations. The Royal Triple Protection is now included.

Organic Reishi Monthly Box
You have the option of getting billed monthly, quarterly or semi-annually. Ask us about our exclusive vegan box.
Our Monthly Box Price Breakdown:
One-Time Purchase: $50.00
1-month Subscription: $45.00/mth
3-month Pre-paid: $41.66/mth
6-month Pre-paid: $39.16/mth, free gift with purchase.

Adventure Seasonal Box
Our Seasonal Adventure box features at least 1 box of organic reishi coffee, tea or hot cocoa, a 9.87 oz coconut creamer pouch or glass bottle as well as 2 to 4 other additional items.
Our Adventure Box launched on July 1, 202 and we are excited to offer new flavor combinations every season. The new Winter Adventure Box, Chocolate Lover's Edition is shown here.

Our Subscription Box
Coffee Karma Cafe introduces its Home Cafe Subscription. We are excited to bring you a variety of reishi mushroom beverages and coconut oil powdered creamers.
A few benefits of organic reishi coffee:
- hydrates and balances pH level.
- naturally detoxifies, strenghtens and boosts the immune system.
- oxygenates the body and increases brain power, focus and concentration.
Each month you will receive a new organic reishi mushroom coffee, tea or hot cocoa paired with a flavored coconut oil creamer. Each box will include approximately 4 to 7 products.